Laksestudio. @ Skattkammeret Suldal Foto: Lise Bjelland


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Main functions:

Laksaradar is a unique and informative widget that provides users with insights into salmon activity in the Laksestudio. This tool shows the quantity and size of salmon recorded in the Laksestudio the previous day, so everyone can stay updated with the latest data

  • Daily Salmon Data: View total numbers and sizes of salmon recorded in the Laksestudio the previous day.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Easily accessible and understandable information for all users.
  • Real-Time Updates: Ensure you have the latest data on salmon activity in the Laksestudio.

This widget is perfect for enthusiasts, researchers, and anyone interested in salmon. Stay updated and take advantage of the opportunities with Laksaradar on our website!

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