Cabin life © Skattkammeret Suldal. Foto: Lise Bjelland.

Welcome to our Treasure Chamber!

Suldal is located just two hours from Stavanger, Haugesund, and Odda, at the junction of the National Tourist Route Ryfylke and the National Tourist Route Hardanger. You can easily reach Suldal by speed boat from Stavanger or by bus from Røldal or Haugalandet. An overview of boat and bus schedules can be found on or by contacting us. If you are traveling by car, you will find a map with an overview of where to find us below.

Before you arrive, we greatly appreciate it if you familiarise yourself with our rich natural and cultural heritage. You can find more information about this here. By supporting our local businesses and limiting your ecological footprint, you contribute to making Suldal a great place to live today and in the future.

Suldal on the map

Go to MAP

You find us in the main street of Sand,
during the summer season

Gata 22, Postvegen 37, 4230 Sand

June 15- August 31: Daily, 10 am - 7 pm
September: Saturdays and Sundays, 10 am - 5 pm. At Garaneset during the week days.

You find us at Næringsparken, Garaneset,
during the rest of the year

Næringsparken, Sandsvegen 134, 4230 Sand

Mon to Fri, 08.30 - 3.30 pm

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