Many people walking down a street
Ryfylkedagane © Skattkammeret Suldal. Foto: Lise Bjelland

Ryfylkedagane - The First Eco-Certified Festival in Ryfylke!

Ryfylkedagane is a popular celebration held in the municipality center of Sand in Suldal. In 2019, Ryfylkedagane became certified as a "Miljøfyrtårn" (Eco-Lighthouse), making it one of the first festivals in Rogaland and the first in Ryfylke to achieve this certification.

Each year, the festival attracts thousands of guests from the entire region, featuring over 80 exhibitors, concerts, youth events, animal parades, group hikes, and a variety of other enjoyable activities for the whole family. The festival takes place during the first weekend of June every year.

As part of the Miljøfyrtårn certification, the festival management strategically and purposefully works towards minimizing its environmental footprint and ensuring sustainable operations. They measure factors such as waste, emissions, and more according to the certification standards.

To learn more about the festival, you can visit

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