Sand, © Skattkammeret Suldal Foto: Lise Bjelland
Sand, © Skattkammeret Suldal Foto: Lise Bjelland
Sand, © Skattkammeret Suldal Foto: Lise Bjelland

Sand safari trail

National Tourist Route
Place to eat
Hiking Easy

Sand safari is an exciting activity trail suitable for the whole family. The trail takes you through the entire town center with enjoyable stopping points and experiences along the way. Along the trail, there are 40 signs marked "Sand safari" to guide you.

On the journey along the Sand Safari trail, you'll get up close to the fjord, river, waterfall, historic buildings, and rural life. Along the route, you'll also find various QR points that provide insights into the rich history of the coastal town, including priests, stave churches, major fires, salmon lords, and the construction of power stations.

The tour starts from the 'North End' in the center of Sand, along the fjord, and it continues up near the river mouth to the famous salmon river, Suldalslågen. Here, you follow the river upstream, passing Sandsfossen, the Salmon Studio, and the award-winning Høsebrua. From Høsebrua, you can take the route on both sides of the river up to Garaneset before continuing up to Eide, where you pass by Sand School, sports facilities, and the beautiful Suldal Bath. You can start the route from wherever you prefer.

For those who want a longer hike, you can combine Sand Safari with a hike in the trail network in Fiskebergåsen or Stegåsen. From Fiskebergåsen, you'll have a fantastic view of the entire town center, while from Stegåsen, you can reach Hellandsnuten, where you have a view of five fjords. You can also continue the hike along the trail further up the river from Garaneset.

Easily accessible: This hiking trail is designed according to the principles of universal design and follows a wide road, either paved or gravel. Some variation in incline can be expected on this route.

Sand safari trail
has an official environmental certification. Choosing experiences and places to stay with the "Reis Grønt" label ensures that the companies you support take active environmental responsibility. See all with the certification here.
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