Reading at the libraryChildren at the library
Suldal Culture House © Treasure Chamber of Suldal. Photo: Jan Nordtveit
Suldal Culture House © Treasure Chamber of Suldal. Photo: Jan Nordtveit
Reading at the library
Suldal Culture House © Treasure Chamber of Suldal. Photo: Jan Nordtveit


Place to eat

At Suldal Kulturhus på Sand you will find Ryfylkebiblioteket Suldal. Here you can rent films, books and audiobooks. There are also PCs here that you can borrow, and free Wi-Fi.

You can find more information about the library and opening times at


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has an official environmental certification. Choosing experiences and places to stay with the "Reis Grønt" label ensures that the companies you support take active environmental responsibility. See all with the certification here.
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