Picture of Røynevarden croftPicture of Røynevarden croft
Røynevarden © Ryfylke Museum. Photo: Jarle Lunde / Suldal Photo
Røynevarden © Ryfylke Museum. Photo: Jarle Lunde / Suldal Photo
Picture of Røynevarden croft
Tradisjonshandverk (Traditional craftsmanship) © Ryfylke Museum

Røynevarden crofter's cottage

Arts and crafts

Located just above Suldalsvatnet with a beautiful view of Bråtveit and Suldalsheiane, you will find the Røynevarden croft. As a croft, the structure can be dated back to around 1805.

Everything may seem small in size at Røynevarden, but the croft was among the best in Suldal. On average, it was possible to keep two cows, five goats, and some sheep. Potatoes were cultivated for household use, and various crops were sown on the many small fields. Hay was harvested and collected on the slopes and heathlands.

There are a total of six buildings/structures at Røynevarden: two living houses, a barn, a sheephouse, a goat shed, and an old house. The oldest living house, called 'røykstova' and 'rotastova' in Suldal, is probably from the 1820s. People lived in this house until 1893, but when the family grew too large, the children had to sleep in the sheephouse loft. The croft became an independent small farm in 1915 and was abandoned as such in 1946.

Røynevarden is located along National Road 13 between Suldalsosen and Nesflaten. There is a trail leading up from the road (approximately 200 meters). Bring a packed lunch and enjoy the beautiful view of Suldalsvatnet.

You can find information about opening hours on ryfylkemuseet.no.

Røynevarden crofter's cottage
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